What Is Anxiety

Anxiety is a natural response to a number of perceived stressors. Anxiety can be a signal that there are things in our life that need addressing, such as a work project, homework assignment, a nagging physical ailment, relationship difficulties, etc. However, when anxiety becomes chronic, despite our efforts to self-manage, seeking professional help is indicated.

Common signs of anxiety may include:

*Excess worry


*Rapid breathing

*Trouble sleeping

*Difficulty focusing and concentrating

*Intrusive thoughts

*Physical symptoms, such as sweating, gastrointestinal distress, rapid heart rate, and other physical complaints.

In addition, sometimes there is a link between anxiety and an underlying health problem. If your doctor suspects that your anxiety may have a medical cause, he or she may order the necessary tests to determine if there is a medical problem or illness. Anxiety is something that can be treated and unneeded suffering can be avoided. If you suspect that you are experiencing anxiety, reach out to a trained professional. Help is waiting.