Testing is a way to increase our understanding of someone so that better decisions can be made. It can be used to help develop an appropriate educational intervention, to help refine a treatment plan, and to help support medication decision-making.
We provide a full range of intellectual, cognitive, memory, attention, emotional, neuropsychological, and educational testing including:
- Learning Disabilities Testing
- Neuropsychological Testing
- Personality Assessment
- Private School Admissions Testing
- Presurgical Evaluation
- Gifted Evaluations
- Testing for special education services

Psychological Testing and Assessment can help document the need for appropriate accommodations and modifications, including additional help at school, additional time on SATs and college tests, and other modifications in school, in college, and in the workplace.
Psychological evaluations are conducted for a variety of purposes. These tests allow us to accurately measure an individual’s strengths and challenges so that we can help create treatment plans that work.